AI Lead Generation

Get more leads every day for $79/m

This AI worker studies your business and ideal customer profile (ICP), finds new leads, and creates personalized outreach messages every day.

30-Days Refund Guarantee
2-Minutes Onboarding
24/7-Hours Autopilot
Gain Insights with Websites Analytics Image - Techflow X Webflow Template
User value

What will you get every week?


15 Leads /week

AI-Generated leads list curated from multiple sources including Google, web scraping, LinkedIn, Apollo, and other data platforms.


15 Messages /week

For each generated lead, a personalized message or email will be automatically crafted to optimize your outreach.

Time Saving

16 hours /week

It will save you at least two full working days per week by automating the lead generation with our intelligent AI worker.


The full-time AI worker bot like a real lead generation expert

BurstyAI AI Workers

List Building

Based on your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), the AI worker generates draft lead lists using tools such as Google, web scraping, LinkedIn, Apollo, and other data platforms.

BurstyAI AI Workers

Lead Scoring

All leads will be scored by AI based on features such as company size, growth, and relevance. Low-quality leads will be removed, only high-scoring leads will be sent to you.

BurstyAI AI Workers

Outreach Message/Email

For each qualified lead, the AI worker will draft a personalized outreach email or connect message based on your business data and the lead's most recent information.

BurstyAI AI Workers

Continuous Improvement

This AI worker is continuously improved through a user feedback loop, constantly adjusting its lead generation quality by learning from user feedback.


Grow your business without grow your headcount

BurstyAI AI workers are AI agents that help scale your business without adding staff.

They act as virtual employees, managing tasks autonomously.

Free you from routine tasks to focus on business core.

Customizable workflow templates used by Lead Generation

Browse all workflows

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an AI worker?

An AI worker, also known as AI Agent, is an intelligent bot that performs specific tasks autonomously. Unlike traditional chatbots that only respond to user queries, an AI worker is assigned roles and takes proactive action. After setup, it completes its tasks independently, and you simply review its work, much like overseeing a real employee.

What tasks can BurstyAI's AI workers handle?

BurstyAI's AI workers are designed to assist small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) with growth activities such as content writing, SEO marketing, lead research, partner and influencer hunts, market research, customer service, customer engagement, and more.

Can AI worker integrates into my existing workflow or experience?

Yes, our platform is designed to be customizable with a workflow builder that guides how an AI worker should operate. It's user-friendly and requires no coding—allowing users to create new workflows based on their expertise and processes.

What's the refund policy?

For the first 30 days of a paying billing period, you can request a full refund for the whole month's cost, with the limitation that refunds apply to only one worker per worker type.

What if I need more than an AI worker's monthly capacity?

Each AI worker comes with a pre-configured monthly capacity for its tasks. If you need more capacity, you can always subscribe to additional workers of the same type to scale up.

Can you help me to customize my AI workers?

We provide tailored workflow build services at an additional cost. Our expert team will work closely with you to design, implement, and optimize workflows to specifically meet your business needs and your own process.

Get more leads without hiring SDR!

Small businesses can have a growth team like large companies now. Fully automated AI workers grow your business 24/7, freeing you to be a real boss.