Privacy Policy

Last updated: Jan 05, 2024

Collecting Personal Information

BurstyAI does not collect any personal or individually identifiable information without the informed consent of the user. We will not sell, share, or rent your confidential information to third parties, including individuals or other organizations.

When you sign up for BurstyAI, we typically ask for identifying information such as your name, email address, and maybe a company name. That’s just so you can personalize your new account, and we can send you invoices, updates, or other essential information. We sometimes also give you the option to add a profile picture that displays in our products, but we do not normally look at or access that picture. We’ll never sell your personal info to third parties, and we won’t use your name or company in marketing statements without your permission either.

When you pay for BurstyAI, we ask for your credit card and billing address. That's so we can charge you for service, calculate taxes due, and send you invoices. Your credit card is passed directly to our payment processor and doesn't ever go through our servers. We store a record of the payment transaction, including the last 4 digits of the credit card number and as-of billing address, for account history, invoicing, and billing support. We store your billing address to calculate any sales tax due in your country, to detect fraudulent credit card transactions, and to print on your invoices.

Sharing Personal Information

Our default practice is to not access your information. The only times we’ll ever access or share your info are:

To provide products or services you've requested. We do use some third-party services to run our applications and only to the extent necessary process some or all of your personal information via these third parties. You can view the list of third-party services we use below. Having subprocessors means we are using technology to access your data. No BurstyAI human looks at your data for these purposes. The following is a list of personal data subprocessors we use.
  1. Auth0. User authentication service.
  2. Amazon Web Services. Cloud services provider.
  3. Alibaba Cloud. Cloud services provider.
  4. Stripe. Payment processing services.
  5. Firstpromoter. Affiliate Program provider.

If BurstyAI is acquired by or merged with another company — we don’t plan on that, but if it happens — we’ll notify you well before any info about you is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

Your Rights With Respect to Your Information

At BurstyAI, we apply the same data rights to all customers, regardless of their location. Currently some of the most privacy-forward regulations in place are the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) in the US. BurstyAI recognizes all of the rights granted in these regulations, except as limited by applicable law. These rights include:

  1. Right to Know. You have the right to know what personal information is collected, used, shared or sold. We outline both the categories and specific bits of data we collect, as well as how they are used, in this privacy policy.
  2. Right of Access. This includes your right to access the personal information we gather about you, and your right to obtain information about the sharing, storage, security and processing of that information.
  3. Right to Correction. You have the right to request correction of your personal information.
  4. Right to Erasure / “To be Forgotten”. This is your right to request, subject to certain limitations under applicable law, that your personal information be erased from our possession and, by extension, all of our service providers. Fulfillment of some data deletion requests may prevent you from using BurstyAI services because our applications may then no longer work. In such cases, a data deletion request may result in closing your account.
  5. Right to Complain. You have the right to make a complaint regarding our handling of your personal information with the appropriate supervisory authority.
  6. Right to Restrict Processing. This is your right to request restriction of how and why your personal information is used or processed, including opting out of sale of personal information. (Again: we never have and never will sell your personal data).
  7. Right to Object. You have the right, in certain situations, to object to how or why your personal information is processed.
  8. Right to Portability. You have the right to receive the personal information we have about you and the right to transmit it to another party.
  9. Right to not be subject to Automated Decision-Making. You have the right to object and prevent any decision that could have a legal, or similarly significant, effect on you from being made solely based on automated processes. This right is limited, however, if the decision is necessary for performance of any contract between you and us, is allowed by applicable law, or is based on your explicit consent.
  10. Right to Non-Discrimination. This right stems from the CCPA. We do and will not charge you a different amount to use our products, offer you different discounts, or give you a lower level of customer service because you have exercised your data privacy rights. However, the exercise of certain rights (such as the right “to be forgotten”) may, by virtue of your exercising those rights, prevent you from using our Services.

Many of these rights can be exercised by signing in and directly updating your account information. If you have questions about exercising these rights or need assistance, please contact us at

How we secure your data

All data is encrypted via SSL/TLS when transmitted from our servers to your browser. The database backups are also encrypted. Most data are not encrypted while they live in our database (since it needs to be ready to send to you when you need it), but we go to great lengths to secure your data at rest.

Delete data in your product accounts

In many of our applications, we give you the option to trash data. Anything you trash on your product accounts while they are active will be kept in an accessible trash can for up to 30 days (it varies a little by product). After that, the trashed data are no longer accessible via the application and are deleted from our active servers within the next 90 days. We also have some backups of our application databases, which are kept for up to another 30 days. In total, when you trash things in our applications, they are purged within 4 months from all of our systems and logs. Retrieving data for a single account from a backup is cost-prohibitive and unduly burdensome so if you change your mind you’ll need to do so before your data are deleted from our active servers.

We also delete your data after an account is cancelled. In this case, there is no period of data being kept in an accessible trash can so your data are purged within 90 days. This applies both for cases when an account owner directly cancels and for auto-cancelled accounts.

Changes & questions

We may update this policy as needed to comply with relevant regulations and reflect any new practices. Have any questions, comments, or concerns about this privacy policy, your data, or your rights with respect to your information? Please get in touch by emailing us at and we’ll be happy to answer them!